Act 1 Scene 5 At The house of Capulet the party is very lively with alcohol but when the boys from the Montague arrive the Capulet hit-man Tybalt acts courteously and is enraged to find Romeo the son and only heir of Tyberio to be enraged and ask for his rapier but lord Capulet tells him to calm down and enjoy the party.But then Romeo catches the eye of the beautiful heir to the Capulet throne Juliet and it then turns from a awkward stare to a love at first sight situation.They then depart from each over over lady Capulet calling Juliet,Romeo asks the nurse who is the goddess and the nurse says “that is lady Juliet” and romeo is then surprised and shocked to what he hears because there love must not be.
One response to “Act | Scene V FROM EUGENE”
It’s great to see you using your blog so enthusiastically, Eugene.
This scene description has a couple of areas for you to improve:
1) You have some of the events from the play and the film confused. While we’re watching the film and enjoying discussing the interpretations made by Baz Luhrmann,it’s very important that you keep clear about which actions are in the script and which are added in the film. An example of this is Romeo washing his face – there’s no reference to that in Shakespeare’s script. Remember you can access the script via the class site (the link is above) if you want to go back and check.
2) There are some spelling errors – particularly in the names of characters, like “Montague”. It would be a good target to get the character names correct as this will increase the reader’s confidence in your analysis.
Keep up the good work!
Mr Waugh
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